LIfe   Advances 

How would you like to understand and control your inner response to the stressers in your life?

What spiritually successful Christians understand is that we all experience good and bad in our lives and, as is always the case, the most important aspect is how we respond.

What To EXPect

Our life advance gives one a Christ-centered strategy for our responses to life. It help you meet challenges that marriage, relationships, our world, businesses and parenting presents on a day-to-day basis. And perhaps most important, walking in step with Jesus every day.


I learned so many things about myself and how I’ve processed life and the stresses of life! WOW!

- CD

if you have the opportunity to attend it will be great for your marriage and your life.

- Danny Milner

"The Life Advance gave me practical skills to use for my everyday life."

- Paula