Who We Are

Guiding all in finding the good way

We help men and women find their way to authentic relationship with Christ and each other by discovering good and sound Biblical life paths that lead to eternal living now.

Meet the team.

Our Team has worked a lot of years together; providing spiritual insights to men and their spouses, through church, small groups, and men’s intensives.

Paul Cypert

Paul is a church planter/pastor. He served the original church he planted for 30 year Focused on men from the beginning, Paul shepharded that church to average more than 50% men in attendance throughout his time there.
Today, through Find The Good Way Men’s Intensives, this love for men and their families continues. The annual Intensives he leads helps men gain back their hearts and purpose. Paul hosts and teaches several of the sessions.
Paul found his way to Mexico and Latin America over 25 years ago, where he as a speaker/teacher working with a network of churches in Latin nations.
He enjoys his life of service with an exceptional wife, D’Ann. They have two daughters and a host of grandchildren.
If he’s not on a mission or with family, he’s out in the Central and High Plains of Texas getting close to critters.

Brad Huckabee

Brad has worked as a pastor/teacher and business manager for over 38 years. He began working with Paul Cypert about 35 years ago, training and mentoring men. He assisted Paul in planting a church network about 30 years ago that emphasized the importance of men living honest, accountable, and responsible lives. This work continues with Find the Good Way ministries. Brad has been married to his close friend, Brenda, for 37 years. They have three sons, a beautiful daughter, and five grandchildren.

Danny Milner

Intensives Team
Danny Milner and his wife, Kathy, make their home on their farm near Petersburg, Texas. They have two daughters. Kathryn Durham and her husband, Wes, and their sons, Wyatt and Ben, live in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Cynthia Milner lives in Canyon, Texas.
Danny and Kathy are avid hunters and love life outdoors enjoying God’s beauty of nature. Danny has been involved with men’s ministries since the early 1990s, attending Promise Keepers and Walk to Emmaus events. He has led numerous retreats for men and helped several churches set up Men’s Groups that promote honesty and transparency, helping men be able to find and take a discipleship path seeking Jesus.

Jason Huckabee

Intensives Team
Jason has been involved full time in the church since 2008. Jason has been actively involved in Men's ministry leading worship, small groups as well as speaking at men's intensives.  Jason is married to Kendra and they have three children, Judah, Ethan & Abbi.  Jason loves to hunt and fish, watch college football, and grilling anything for his family & friends.  

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